Tracy Zhou

Associate Principal Consultant, Carbon and ESG Solutions, Green Living and Innovation Division, Hong Kong Productivity Council

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Ms Tracy ZHOU, MBA, MASc, P.Eng., GRI trained professional, Associate Principal Consultant of Carbon and ESG Solutions, Green Living and Innovation Division of Hong Kong Productivity Council. Tracy has diverse experience in implementing sustainability programmes with organisations in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and overseas. In recent years, she led sustainability and ESG management consultancy services, related to compliance, data, reporting, and management strategy, as well as advisory on performance enhancement, target setting, green procurement, and sustainable supply chain management. In addition, she has assisted in developing the ESGOne e-platform to assist companies, including SMEs, in conducting ESG assessment and starting their sustainability journey. She has been an assessor, auditor, and verifier for various environmental and sustainability programmes, and also an active speaker for events and training activities to promote sustainability to industry.