Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA)

Established in 1962, the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA) is a non-profit and independent think tank committed to dialogues and policy analyses to bridge gaps between policymakers, private sector decision-makers and experts to respond to the key and emerging global challenges and opportunities.

We aim to contribute to a region that is inclusive, peaceful and prosperous – an integrated, sustainable and globally competitive ASEAN and a Singapore that is an open, dynamic hub and responsive node.

The SIIA has been consistently ranked as one of the leading think tanks in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, in the Global Go-To Think Tank Index by the University of Pennsylvania. Since 2017, we were ranked the No. 1 independent think tank in Asia. We were also recognised as one of the top 50 think tanks globally, excluding the United States of America. In 2019, we were recognised as the No. 1 think tank in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific (excluding India). In 2020, we were also recognised as one of the think tanks with the best policy and institutional response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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