Simon Ng

Chief Executive Officer, Business Environment Council

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Mr Simon Ng is Chief Executive Officer of Business Environment Council. He has over 25 years of experience in academic and policy research, project management and stakeholder engagement. In particular, Mr Ng is known for his ground-breaking work on ship emissions inventory and evidence-based control policy in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta, and his instrumental role in the Fair Winds Charter – a voluntary business initiative to reduce ship emissions. Before taking the CEO position, Mr Ng was BEC’s Director of Policy & Research for 3 years. Prior to joining BEC, he was Chief Research Officer of a Hong Kong based think tank, and held teaching and research positions in several local universities. Currently, Mr Ng is a Member of the Advisory Council on the Environment, the Harbourfront Commission, the Lantau Development Advisory Committee, and the Advisory Committee on the Northern Metropolis of the Hong Kong SAR Government. Internationally, Mr Ng has been an Expert Member of the UNCRD Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum in Asia since 2006.

吳家穎先生是商界環保協會行政總裁。 吳先生從事學術及政策研究、項目管理及持分 者參與工作超過25年。 其中,吳先生在香港和珠江三角洲船舶排放清單及管控政策 方面作出了突破性的研究,並主力促成由航運業界牽頭、推動船舶自願減排的「乘風 約章」而為人所認識。 出任商界環保協會行政總裁之前,吳先生是協會的政策及研究 總監。加入協會之前,吳先生曾在一所香港智庫出任研究總監一職,亦在多間本地大 學從事教學及研究工作。吳先生現任香港特區政府環境諮詢委員會、海濱事務委員會、 大嶼山發展諮詢委員會及北部都會區諮詢委員會委員,亦自2006年起出任聯合國區 域發展中心亞洲環境可持續交通區域論壇的專家組成員。