
Dr. Renato E. Reside, Jr. is an Undersecretary at the Department of Finance (DOF). He oversees the National Tax Research Center (NTRC), which is mandated to conduct continuing research in taxation "to restructure the tax system and raise the level of tax consciousness among our people to achieve a faster rate of economic growth and to bring about a more equitable distribution of wealth and income".

Prior to becoming the Undersecretary of TREM, Professor Reside was teaching economics at the University of the Philippines. As an academician, he was frequently involved as consultant and as writer-researcher in many matters related to DOF legislative concerns like the TRAIN Law, CREATE Law, TIMTA and other acts giving rise to tax expenditures. He has been commissioned extensively by government and by multilateral and bilateral agencies like the World Bank, ADB and JICA to work and write papers on taxes, pensions and other public finance and economics issues.

Undersecretary Reside obtained his PhD in Economics in 1996 from Fordham University and his AB in Management Economics in 1988 from Ateneo de Manila University. He is happily married and father to one son.