Celine Tan

Business Development Director, Nandina REM

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Celine Tan is a seasoned institutional salesprofessional with nearly 20 years ofexperience in the financial services sector.She has extensive expertise in primebrokerage, global custody, and corporatefinance, and has built a reputation for drivingbusiness growth. As a strong businessdevelopment leader, Celine was awarded ascholarship for her Executive MBA, with afocus on Banking, Corporate Finance, andSecurities Law, reflecting her passion forbringing impactful change to the industry.

Since 2021, Celine has also served as an Angel Investor and Advisor to the CEO at Bixie, anAI-powered finance platform that promotes savings and wealth generation by providingknowledge, networks, and tools to its users. Prior to joining Nandina REM, Celine held multipleleadership roles at HSBC starting in 2017. She also gained valuable experience working at JPMorgan, Credit Suisse, and Goldman Sachs.

Celine holds a Bachelor of Business Management in Finance, Banking, Corporate Finance,and Securities Law from Singapore Management University and an Executive MBA from theQuantic School of Business and Technology.