Alexandra Tracy

President, Hoi Ping Ventures

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Alexandra Tracy is President of Hoi Ping Ventures in Hong Kong, which she founded to provide research and consulting on green finance and sustainable investment in Asian emerging markets. She is also Head of Research at Carbonless Asia, a young investment and innovation business focused on supporting opportunities for decarbonisation in Asia. Alexandra is also a director of RIMM Sustainability Pte Ltd in Singapore and of BlueOnion Group in Hong Kong, both leaders in the ESG data space in the region, and a member of the Listing Review Committee of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Alexandra is Chairman of the Financial Services Research Group, an independent thinktank in Hong Kong focusing on green finance and asset management. She sits on a number of advisory boards in Hong Kong, including Friends of the Earth Hong Kong, the Asia Pacific Investors Cooperation and the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology’s Asian Family Business Research Centre. She is also a director of the Climate Markets & Investment Association in the UK.

Until the end of 2024, she was Private Sector Observer to the World Bank’s Climate Investment Funds, having for several years previously served as Active Private Sector Observer to the United Nations Green Climate Fund. From 2013 to 2019, Alexandra was a member of the Listing Committee of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. She acted as Chairman of the Association for Sustainable & Responsible Investment in Asia for six years, stepping down in 2015, and was instrumental in establishing the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change during this period.

Alexandra speaks and writes regularly on sustainable finance, development and infrastructure issues. She has an MBA from the Harvard Business School and MA degrees from Yale University and Cambridge University.